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stage de vacances pour les enfants de 11 à 14 ans

Holiday Day Camps


Dynamic and Stimulating Holidays for Children from
from 11 to 14 years old!

Energetic camps for curious children at BeeSport!

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Beecool is a variety of summer camps to meet the interests and passions of teenage students. Whether your child is a nature lover, a science enthusiast, a budding dancer, a fan of team sports or simply a thirst for discovery, we have camps suitable for everyone!

Beecool is the guarantee of an unforgettable vacation while developing new skills and creating memories for life.

Discover the BeeCool Holidays Day Camp

stage d'escalade pour enfant bruxelles


A camp to let yourself be overwhelmed by the magic of the stage!


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A camp for little geniuses with a sharp and strategic mind!

stage orginal pour les enfants de 11 à 14 ans


A camp of cycling adventures, discoveries and energy !

stage de danse pour enfants de 11 à 14 ans


A bodily expression camp full of groove

BeeBallgames stage sports ballons


Sports, games & competitions all week!




Stage for children who like to move and explore!

Nature cycling adventures

 Orienteering in the woods with map and compass

Introduction to the Japanese martial art Aikido
 Exclusivité ! KinBall: unique and fun ball game

Exclusivité ! Tchoukball : original team sport

Robinson Crusoé: Survival Basics, Building a Shack, and Scavenger Hunt

Robin des bois : Archery Accuracy Challenges

More information on the  BeeJump&Roll

Online registration available



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stage de jeux de société et découvertes scientifiques

Holiday camp perfect to stimulate thinking, logic and strategy abilities.
Fun and educational activities to develop general knowledge
Introduction to chess

Scientific, technological and robot construction demonstrations.

Memory games and mental challenges
Solving puzzles and puzzles
Life-size role-playing games

More information on the BeeSmart page

Online registration available

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"Spartacus", obstacle course, obstacle course

"Koh Lanta", orienteering with map and compass

Exclusivity! Tchoukball: original team sport

"Fort Boyard": Fun test games by teams

Game of Quidditch & Ultimate Frisbee
Robin Hood: An Archery Accuracy Challenge

Robinson Crusoe: basic survivalism, building a hut, etc.
Laser tag game: a tactical combat experience for the brave
BeeAdventure: an outdoor discovery outing on Friday included in the BeeXtrem course

stage original beeXtrem


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stage de vacances sport ballons à uccle

An original, diversified and intense sports program

Exclusivity! KinBall: unique and fun ball games

Exclusivity! Tchoukball: original team sport

Promotion of fair play, respect and collaboration

Introduction to team sports such as handball, school rugby and hockey
Individual sports such as table tennis and badminton.

Practice coordination, strategy and agility

More information on the BeeBallGames page
Online registration available

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Discovery course on the theme of dance

World dance: African, oriental, tap dancing...
Modern dances: hip-hop, break dance, etc.

Rhythm dances and ballroom dancing

Zumba & aerobics

Yoga: flexibility and balance.

Creation of a choreography inspired by the different styles of dances learned

More information on the BeeDance page

Online registration available

stage de danse pour ados
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EXCLUSIVELY for BeeXtrem and BeeJump&Roll camps

Group outing as part of the camp on Fridays

Offers a unique outdoor, immersive and educational experience every week
Sports excursions such as water parks, ice rink, climbing, tree climbing, paintball...

Fun outings like adventure parks, escape rooms, virtual reality center, etc.

Nautical centres, educational farm and museums

Transport included, several activities per day

Available for all BeeXtrem and BeeJump&Roll camps only


Be informed of all our future activities!



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+32 472 87 43 91​

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Campus of the Jean Monnet French high school

Avenue du lycée français, 9 1180 Brussels, Belgium

Phone: +32 472 87 43 91

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© 2023 BeeSport ASBL. Proudly created by Brand Fuse.

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